Friday, June 5, 2009

You may know that Red Eagle had a Graphic Novel series going of Robert Jordan's New Spring, but stopped production in the middle of the series. I was quite happy to get an email recently telling me that the unsent issues will now be sent!

I also found recently that they will be producing a graphic novel of The Eye of the World.

The following pictures were emailed to me by Red Eagle, and I have to say I'm a bit disappointed with their depiction of Mat and especially Perrin.

I do like the art style, though.

Maybe its just on the cover, but Perrin looks like a doofus. =D

What do you think?


riotimus said...

I have to agree with you on those depictions. There are a lot of great comic artists out there and that story offers a lot to work with, but those covers aren't very good sellers. It's a shame.


Ing said...

At least they're better than the original novel covers...though that wouldn't be hard to achieve.

Ben said...

I think Mat looks OK. That's not how I pictured Perrin at all, but I think it's still OK.