Thursday, May 28, 2009

First lines

Think you know all the literary works from which I took the first lines that make up my header?

(You can use your handle where it asks for your name.)

Thanks for suggesting this, R.!


Ben said...

Errr...this quiz thingy is messed up. It said I missed one even though I had it right. I think it was because the answer had a period at the end of the book title, and I didn't type a period. I missed one because I didn't realize it had "the" in front of the title. And one I accidentally skipped. I know The Hobbit. Serious. :)

Stephanie said...

lol. I'll see about the period thing. sorry.

Stephanie said...

Ok, the period is gone. Sorry bout that Ben.

I was thinking of having it accept the titles without 'the' at the beginning, but I decided to stick with full titles.

Also, I'm pretty sure capitalization matters.

beth said...

Yeah it does, I missed The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe because of capitals. :)

Stephanie said...

sorry. if its a real problem, I can let it accept the answer with no capitals at all, but there's not an option to allow whatever capitalization you feel like puting in. =)

riotimus said...

I'm shamed. I only got 9 of them correct. Still, that was a lot of fun. Thanks for putting the quiz up.
